About Us

We are creating next-generation energy & environmental technologies to open a better future for humans. In particular, we are developing innovative solid CO2 absorbents, solid electrolytes for next-generation all-solid-state batteries, and thermoelectric liquids (thermoelectrochemical conversion or thermocells) that convert waste heat to electricity as well as the electrochemical power generation during forced convection cooling (forced-flow thermocells).

To achieve these aims, we are developing novel covalent organic frameworks (for solid CO2 adsorbents and solid-state electrolytes for batteries) and metal complexes and their optimal solutions (for liquid thermoelectrics and flow thermocells). We are mostly experimental but often co-use computations to predict and explain the experimental results. Our goal is to provide society with new solutions for climate-change countermeasures and decarbonization while fostering the next generation’s people through world-leading research. Please feel free to contact us (see "Contact Us" for the email address). We are looking forward to your joining us to create a better future together.
Our recent news and topics are here.


Designable porous solids (covalent organic frameworks, COFs) / CO2 capture and separation / Solid electrolyte for next-generation all-solid-state batteries / Structure-property relations / Thermal energy harvesting / Electrochemical power generation using a metal-complex solution / Forced-flow thermocells


Experiments — Development, measurements, and characterizations of materials
Computations — Quantum-chemical simulations, thermo-fluid simulations, and crystal structure analysis
Communications — We put value on talks between lab people to generate a creative atmosphere and new ideas.